Process Terminator is a program that shows and kills running processes. The interface of the program will show you a list of running processes, along with information about each program, such as Process Start Time, Total CPU Time, Physical Memory Allocated, Maximum Physical Memory Used, if the Process UI is responding or not, the thread and handle count. This way you can examine the running processes, and terminate them if you suspect that some of them are harmful.
On the side end of the interface you will see three buttons. The "Refresh" button will scan your system again to update the information on the running processes. Once you´ve selected a process from the list, clicking on the "Kill Now!" button will terminate that process immediately, thus freeing up some memory and CPU load. You must be careful when terminating processes, as some of them are necessary for your system to work. So killing those processes will lead to system´s unstability. You can even terminate Process Terminator itself using the program.